Olay, where beauty career begins! 选择美的事业,选择玉兰油! Procter & Gamble, one of the worlds largest and most diversified marketer and manufacturer of consumer products is now looking for self-motivated and dynamic individuals to join our Olay Team. We offer our employees excellent training and development opportunities, and competitive compensation and benefits which are based on the employees contribution to the company. 宝洁公司,世界最大最多元化的消费品经营者和生产者之一,正在寻找充满活力、进取心强的人才加入我们的玉兰油团队。我们将提供系统性的培训和良好的个人发展机会,并根据员工的表现提供具有竞争力的收入和福利待遇。 If you are interested in the position above, please send a copy of your ID Card and Education Level Certificate, resume, and a one-inch photo to us within one week. 有意者请将身份证、学历证明复印件,个人简历,免冠近照一张,于广告见信息后一周内寄至本公司。 Please write "Apply for Olay" on your envelope. The materials will not be returned.请在信封上注明"玉兰油应聘"字样。未经录用者,材料恕不退还。